Experiment Education Center for Pharmaceutical Sciences

2018-10-17   |   药学院英文网

Director: FAN Xiaohui

Email: fanxh@zju.edu.cn

The experiment education center for pharmaceutical sciences includes 4 departments, and undertakes 13 experimental courses for undergraduates. As a component part of the large instrument sharing platform, the center also provides other services of teaching and scientific research. Currently, there are 65 faculties, including 22 professors and 30 associate professors in the center.

The idea and strategy of the teaching reform of the center is to introduce the way of pharmaceutical scientific research into undergraduate experimental teaching, and to build a new system of pharmaceutical experimental teaching which is student-oriented and teacher-guided, with strengthened interdisciplinary integration and features of stratified, open and innovative, so as to form a new experimental teaching mode with clear objectives, complete system, reasonable structure, distinct gradations and characteristics of pharmaceutical scientific research.

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