ZHENG Xiangnan

2018-10-16   |   药学院英文网

Dr. ZHANG was named Assistant of Dean of College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University in March 2019. He is the Director of Department of Pharmacy, ZJU. He received Bachelor of Pharmacy (2005) and Ph.D of Pharmacology (2010) from Zhejiang University. After that, Dr. Zhang worked as a post-doc fellow in the Institute of Medical Neurobiology of Zhejiang University and was employed as a lecture in College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ZJU since 2012. He was promoted as associated professor and professor at 2013. Since 2019. Dr. Zhang has been teaching Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology for undergraduate students and Neuropharmacology for graduate students. His research interest focuses on the autophagy process during cerebral ischemia. In particular, he has been looking for the underlying mechanisms of mitochondria autophagy in ischemic brains and translating the knowledge into potential drug targets for stroke therapy. His research work has been funded by the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars. The representative papers have been published in J Cell Biol, Autophagy and Nat Commun. He was awarded the “Servier Annual Young Pharmacologist Prize” (Chinese Pharmacological Society) and “Olympus Excellent Paper Award” (Chinese Neuroscience Society).

Profile: https://person.zju.edu.cn/en/zhangxn
