• Meidan Ying Ph.D

    Director | Professor | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88208401

    Email: mying@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Oncology pharmacology, Innovative anti-tumor drugs based on protein post-translational modification, Innovative drug target discovery based on childhood t...

  • Bo Yang Ph.D

    Professor | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 0571-88208400

    Email: yang924@zju.edu.cn

    Research:  Oncology PharmacologyDrug discovery

  • Zhong Chen Ph.D

    Professor | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88208228

    Email: chenzhong@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Neuropharmacology, Molecular mechanisms of epilepsy and stroke, Europharmacology of histamine and its receptors

  • Xiangnan Zhang Ph.D

    Professor | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88208768

    Email: xiangnan_zhang@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Study on nerve injury and neuroprotective mechanism of strokeNeuropharmacology,Discovery of mechanism and drug intervention target of mitochondrial autophagy in...

  • Hong Zhu Ph.D

    Professor | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 0571-88208401

    Email: hongzhu@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Oncology pharmacology

  • Haitao Zhang Ph.D

    Tenured Associate Professor | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88206576

    Email: haitaozhang@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Structures and Functions of Drug Targets for Drug Discovery

  • Yichen Xu Ph.D

    Hundred People Project Fellow | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88982860

    Email: yichen_xu@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Oncology pharmacology, Regulation of mRNA translation and drug targeting

  • Wei Xie Ph.D

    Hundred People Project Fellow | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 0571-88208768

    Email: xie_wei@zju.edu.cn

    Research: 天然免疫与病原感染的分子干预机制、核酸免疫识别的机制与应用研究、结构药理学