• Jianhua Qi Ph.D

    Director | Professor | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88208627

    Email: qijianhua@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Natural medicine chemistry, chemical biology

  • Yong Chen Ph.D

    Researcher | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88208621

    Email: chenyong1@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Advanced manufacturing technology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Xuesong Liu Ph.D

    Researcher | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88208621

    Email: liuxuesong@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Modern pharmaceutical engineering and pharmaceutical intelligent manufacturing, New generation of medical information technology and advanced pharmace...

  • Xiaoyuan Lian Ph.D

    Professor | Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88208432

    Email: xylian@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese medicine, Neuropharmacology and Development of new drugs

  • Changxin Zhou Ph.D

    Associate professor | Master supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88208457

    Email: zhoucx10@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Research and development of natural medicinal chemistry and new Chinese medicine

  • Juanhua Xu Master

    Associate professor | Master supervisor

    Phone: 86-571-88208456

    Email: phnosy@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Pharmacy, Natural pharmaceutical chemistry, Medicinal botany

  • Lihua Peng Ph.D

    Associate professor丨Doctoral supervisor

    Phone: 88208437

    Email: lhpeng@zju.edu.cn

    Research:  Biomacromolecules and natural products delivery technologies,Exosomes based therapeutics and nanocarriers,Transdermal and topical drug delivery systems

  • Xiaohui Zhao Ph.D

    Hundred People Project Fellow | Doctoral supervisor


    Email: xiaohui.zhao@zju.edu.cn

    Research: Chemical physiology、TCM Pharmacology