Members of Pro. ZHANG Xiangnan's lab attended The 3rd China Conference on Autophagy and won the first prize of excellent posters

2021-04-09   |   药学院办公网

The 3rd China Conference on Autophagy' sponsored by Biophysical Society of China was held in the medical department of Shenzhen University from April 6 to 8. Pro. ZHANG Xiangnan and graduate students of his research group Liu Mengru, Li Yue and Ma Shijia from College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University , attended the meeting. Li Yue's poster 'BNIP3L/NIX dimer degradation compromised mitophagy in ischemic brains' won the first prize of excellent posters in the meeting.

From left to right are ma Shijia, Liu Mengru, Pro. ZHANG Xiangnan and Li Yue

Li Yue's poster won the first prize of excellent posters

Scientific researches in autophagy have developed rapidly in recent years, especially since Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Japanese molecular cell biologist, won the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 2016. More and more attention has been attracted to the molecular mechanism, physiological significance, autophagy related diseases and drug treatment of autophagy. In recent years, Chinese scholars have made significant progress in autophagy related research, which has made important contributions to the development of this field. More than 300 scholars from the basic and clinical research fields of autophagy attended this conference. During the conference, nearly 40 domestic and international speakers made brilliant reports on the latest achievements in the field of autophagy.
